Provides an assessment of the visiblity for the next month according to the source coordinates and observer position.
For an introduction to the visibility plot check our YouTube tutorial.Parameter | Default | Type | Usage | Required | Description |
pos | None | List | ?pos=[98.8,35.2] | True | Position of the source in ra (degree), dec(degree) |
pos_obs | [-23.27,16.5,1835], i.e. H.E.S.S. | List | &pos_obs=[98.8,35.2,1100] | False | Position of the observer/observatory in lattitude (degree), longitude (degree) and altitude (m) |
date | current date | String | &date=2019-08-29 | False | date of the visibility assessment |
Field | Type | Description |
img_url | String | Link to the monthly visibility plot image |
storage_url | String | Link to the monthly visibility plot image |
url | String | Url giving informations on the next month visibility (plot and summary) of the source on MPIK website |
Gives the visibility plot for the next night according to the source coordinates and observer position. Time resolution is 1min. For an introduction to the visibility plot check our YouTube tutorial.
Parameter | Default | Type | Usage | Required | Description |
pos_src | None | List | ?pos=[98.8,35.2] | True | Position of the source in ra (degree), dec (degree) |
pos_obs | [-23.27,16.5,1835], i.e. H.E.S.S. | List | &pos_obs=[98.8,35.2,1100] | False | Position of the observer/observatory in lattitude (degree), longitude (degree) and altitude (m) |
twilight_level | 2 | String | &twilight_level=2 | False | twilight_level=0 or 1 or 2. Note: 0 means no twilight will be drawn, 1 means twilight will be drawn, 2 means civil, naval and astronomical twilight will be drawn respectively |
date | current date | String | &date=2019-08-29 | False | date of the visibility assessment |
source_name | "" | String | &source_name=GRB 190829A | False | name of the source |
Field | Type | Description |
img_url | String | Link to the visibility plot |
results_url | String | Link to the parameters of the visibility (JSON) |
visibility | dictionary | parameters of the visibility |
Gives the daily visibility at multiple observatories for the next night according to the source coordinates and observatories positions. Time resolution is 10min.
Parameter | Default | Type | Usage | Required | Description |
pos_src | None | List | ?pos=[98.8,35.2] | True | Position of the source in ra (degree), dec (degree) |
source_name | "" | String | ?source_name=GRB 190829A | False | name of the source |
date | current date | String | ?date=2019-08-29 | False | date of the visibility assessment |
observers | "" | String | ?observers=[OHP,ASKAP,ATCA] | False | List of observatories for which we want to compute the visibility plot. |
Field | Type | Description |
img_url | String | Link to the visibility plot at multiple observatories |
Returns a list of catalogued sources and transients events within a cone of given radius around a position and within a given time window. All arguments should be put in a json body. You can play with our notebook to learn how to use the cone search endpoint.
Rate limits: to keep the API availalbe for everybody we limit the usage of this endpoint to registered Astro-COLIBRI users. Check this short tutorial about how to register. You'll find your user-id in your account settings in our interfaces. Copy it as "uid" parameter into the body of your API request. At the moment, each user is granted 100 request per day. If this is not sufficient for your use-case, please get in contact with us.
Level 1 parameter | Level 2 parameter | Level 3 parameter | Default | Type | Required | Description |
properties | position | ra | None | Float | True | Position of the center of the search region in RA |
properties | position | dec | None | Float | True | Position of the center of the search region in Dec |
properties | radius | None | Float | True | Radius of the search region | |
time_range | min | None | String | True | Minimum date in isoformat | |
time_range | max | None | String | True | Maximum date in isoformat | |
filter | None | JSON | False | The filter structure (see interactive notebook for details). If the 'filter' parameter is not specified, the application will use your 'uid' to retrieve the filter configuration from your member space in the Astro-COLIBRI application | ||
uid | None | String | False | Your Astro-COLIBRI user id | ||
return_format | json | String | False | "json" or "url", the latter providing an url to the json results |
Field | Type | Description |
analysis_flags | Integer | analysis flags to indicate possible issues noted in the detection or characterization of the source. A value of 0 indicates no known problem. |
assoc | String | The designation of the identified or likely associated source. |
assoc_4fgl | String | identifier in the 4FGL catalog |
assoc_fgl | String | identifier in the previous FGL catalog |
assoc_fhl | String | identifier in the FHL catalog |
assoc_gam1 | String | Most recent correspondence to previous FGL source catalogs, if any. |
assoc_gam2 | String | Most recent correspondence to previous FHL source catalogs, if any. |
assoc_gam3 | String | Name of likely corresponding source from AGL source catalogs, if any. |
assoc_prob_bay | Float | The probability of association according to the Bayesian method. It is set to NULL for extended sources (which do not enter that calculation) and to 0 for point sources that did not reach 0.8, the threshold for declaring associations. |
assoc_prob_lr | Float | The probability of association according to the Likelihood Ratio method. It is set to NULL for extended sources (which do not enter that calculation) and to 0 for point sources that did not reach 0.8, the threshold for declaring associations. |
assoc_tev | String | The designation of the likely corresponding source from the TeVCat catalog, if any. |
conf_95_major | Float | The semi-major axis of the error ellipse at 95% confidence [deg] |
conf_95_minor | Float | The semi-minor axis of the error ellipse at 95% confidence [deg] |
date | Date | Date of the event (typically empty) |
dec | Float | Dec position [deg] |
detection_significance | Float | The source detection significance, in Gaussian sigma units, over the 100 MeV to 1 TeV band. |
energy_flux100 | Float | The integral photon flux for 1 - 100 GeV [photons/cm2/s] |
energy_flux100_err | Float | The 1-sigma uncertainty in the integral photon flux for 1 - 100 GeV [photons/cm2/s] |
flux_peak | Float | peak integral photon flux from 100 MeV to 100 GeV [photon/cm2/s] |
flux_peak_error | Float | 1-sigma uncertainty in the peak integral photon flux from 100 MeV to 100 GeV [photon/cm2/s] |
frac_variability | Float | The fractional variability computed from the fluxes in each year. |
frac_variability_error | Float | 1-sigma error on the fractional variability computed from the fluxes in each year. |
latest_lc_url | String (url) | URL pointing to the latest light curve (typically FLaapLUC, access restricted to H.E.S.S. members) |
longterm_lc_url | String (url) | URL pointing to the longterm light curve (typically FLaapLUC, access restricted to H.E.S.S. members) |
pivot_energy | Float | The energy, in MeV, at which the error in the differential photon flux is minimal (i.e., the decorrelation energy for the power-law fit). This is derived from the likelihood analysis for 100 MeV - 1 TeV. |
ra | Float | RA position of the source [deg] |
redshift | Float | redshift of the source |
sep | Float | Separation from the center of the cone search |
simbad_link | String (url) | Link to the source in Simbad database |
source_class | String | Class of the source |
source_name | String | Name of the source |
source_type | String | The primary class designation of the identification or likely associated source. |
spectrum_type | String | The spectral type in the global model (PowerLaw, LogParabola, PLSuperExpCutoff). |
tevcat_flag | String | lag parameter indicates a possible association with the TeVCat. The flag values have the following meanings: N = No TeV association; P = Small TeV source; E = Extended TeV source (diameter > 40 arcminutes) |
tevcat_url | String (url) | URL to the TeVCat interface of the source |
time_peak | Float | Time of center of interval in which peak flux was measured [MJD] |
time_peak_interval | Float | Length of interval in which peak flux was measured, in seconds. |
variability_index | Float | The sum of the log(likelihood) difference between the flux fitted in each time interval and the average flux over the full catalog interval; a value greater than 18.48 over 12 intervals indicates <1% chance of being a steady source. See the accompanying paper for details. |
Field | Type | Description |
alert_type | String | type of the notice (GWs: EarlyWarning, Preliminary, Initial, Update, Retraction; GBM: Gnd_Pos, Fin_Pos, etc.) /td> |
archive | dict | dictionary of {archive_id : last_modified} that lists all previous versions of this event |
archive_id | String | identifier of the event in the Astro-COLIBRI archive |
assoc | String | Associated sources of the event (if known) |
broker | String | Name of the broker/classifier that characterized or submitted the event (if known) |
classification | String | classification of the transient; can be seen as sub-class of the "type" field (e.g. classification of the type of a SN, etc.) |
comment | String | comment about the event/source |
constellation | String | astronomical constellation in which the event is located |
dec | Float | Dec position [deg] |
discoverer_internal_name | String | name used by the discovery observatory |
dm | String | Dispersion measure (mainly for FRBs); string because it contains units |
energy | String | Energy of the event [GeV] |
energy_time_url | String (url) | 2D distribution of Fermi-LAT photons in the “energy vs time” plane |
err | Float | Uncertainty of the event position [deg] |
extinction_ebv | Float | E(B-V): redding to Galactic dust absorption |
far | String | False-Alarm-Rate [year^-1] |
follow_up | Array | list of observatories participating in follow up observations (if known) |
gw_BBH | String | GW event classification: probability of being a binary black hole merger event [0..1] |
gw_BNS | String | GW event classification: probability of being a binary neutron star merger event [0..1] |
gw_MassGap | String | GW event classification: probability that at least one compact object with a mass in the hypothetical “mass gap” between neutron stars and black holes (3-5 solar masses) [0..1] |
gw_NSBH | String | GW event classification: probability of being a merger of a system composed of one neutron star and one black hole [0..1] |
gw_Noise | String | GW event classification: terrestrial noise [0..1] |
gw_contours | Array | GW event localisation contours: 50% and 90% containement |
gw_hasNS | Boolean | GW events: flag to indicate the presence of a component with a mass compatible with a neutron star |
gw_pipeline | String | GW events: name of the pipeline used to derive the event parameters |
image_urls | dictionary | A dictionary of {name: url} for additional figures and plots |
instrument | String | Name of the instrument providing the parameters of the event (e.g. XRT or BAT for Swift detected events, etc.) |
ivorn | String | Unique IVOA identifiers for event |
ivorn_time | String | Time of the creation of the VoEvent |
last_modified | String | Time of the modification of this event in Astro-COLIBRI |
latest_lc_url | String (url) | Latest lightcurve url |
lc_url | String (url) | lightcurve url (typically FLaapLUC, access restricted to H.E.S.S. members) |
longterm_lc_url | String (url) | Longterm lightcurve url (typically FLaapLUC, access restricted to H.E.S.S. members) |
map_areas | Dict | dict with credible levels and the contained area in a localisation map |
observatory | String | Observatory at the orign of the event |
pkt_ser_num | Float | A number that increments by 1 each time a new revision is issued for this event |
ra | Float | RA position of the source [deg] |
redshift | Float | redshift of the event |
reference | String | Reference to original VoEvent in case of updates (if available) |
sed_url | String (url) | Link to SED (typically FLaapLUC, access restricted to H.E.S.S. members) |
sep | Float | Separation from the center of the cone search [deg] |
signalness | String | Probability of being of astrophysical origin (mainly for IceCube events) |
significance | Float | significance of the detected emission [sigma] |
simbad_link | String (url) | Link to the source in Simbad database |
slew | Boolean | Flag to indicate that the event triggered a slew of the spacecraft (typically SVOM) |
source_name | String | Name of the source |
sun_distance | Float | angular distance of the source to the sun at the time of the event [deg] |
timestamp | Datetime | Time of the event ([UTC], unix timestamp in milliseconds) |
transient_flux | Float | flux of the detected transient |
transient_flux_error | Float | uncertainty on the flux of the detected transient |
transient_flux_units | String | units of the flux of the detected transient |
trigger_id | String | Trigger ID of the event (internal to Astro-COLIBRI) |
type | String | type of event (see documentation for details ) |
url | String (url) | URL to additional ressource (typically the GCN circular or ATEL for manually added information) |
url_name | String | name of the URL to additional ressources |
Field | Type | Description |
B | Float | surface B-field [10^14 G] |
Period | Float | period P [s] |
age | Float | characteristic age (tau_c = P / 2 dP/dt; P being the period) [kyr] |
assoc | String | associated sources (if known) |
dec | Float | Dec position [deg] |
dedt | Float | energy loss (dE/dt = 4pi^2 I dP/dt / P^3; with the moment of inertia assumed to be 10^45 g cm^2) [10^33 erg/s] |
distance | Float | distance [kpc] |
dpdt | Float | period derivative dP/dt [10^-11 s/s] |
latest_lc_url | String (url) | Latest light curve url (typically FLaapLUC, access restricted to H.E.S.S. members) |
longterm_lc_url | String (url) | Longterm light curve url (typically FLaapLUC, access restricted to H.E.S.S. members) |
ra | Float | RA position of the source [deg] |
sep | Float | Separation from the cone search center |
simbad_link | String (url) | Link to the source in Simbad database |
source_name | String | Name of the source |
type | String | type of event (see documentation for details ) |
Field | Type | Description |
amon_id | Float | global ID build from run_id and event_id |
run_id | Float | ID of the IceCube run |
event_id | Float | ID of the event within a run |
trigger_id | String | trigger_id of the event ('IceCat1_' + amon_id) |
source_name | String | Unique name given to each alert, in form ICYYMMDDA |
ra | Float | RA position of the source in J2000 equatorial coordinates [deg] |
dec | Float | Dec position in J2000 equatorial coordinates [deg] |
sep | Float | Separation from the cone search center |
ra_err_minus | Float | Uncertainty in the RA position of the source, 90% CL [deg] |
ra_err_plus | Float | Uncertainty in the RA position of the source, 90% CL [deg] |
dec_err_minus | Float | Uncertainty in the Dec position of the source, 90% CL [deg] |
dec_err_plus | Float | Uncertainty in the Dec position of the source, 90% CL [deg] |
err | Float | Average uncertainty of the position of the source, 90% CL [deg] |
time | String | Date and time of the event detection ("YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS") |
event_mjd | Float | Modified Julian Date of the time of the event detection |
alert_type | String | Identification of event selection type (see supporting paper publication for details). gfu-gold, gfu-bronze, ehe-gold, hese-gold, or hese-bronze types |
energy | Float | Most probable neutrino energy that would have produced this event. Calculated assuming an E^(-2.19) astrophysical neutrino power law flux. [TeV] |
far | Float | Rate of background events expected for alert events at this energy and sky location. [yr^(-1)] |
signalness | Float | Probability event is of astrophysical origin, calculated assuming an E^(-2.19) astrophysical neutrino power law flux. [probability] |
cascade_scr | Float | Primary event vertex is inside the instrumented volume and a shower (non-muon-like track) is observed [probability] |
skimming_scr | Float | Primary event vertex outside is the detector and little or no energy deposited within instrumented volume [probability] |
start_scr | Float | Primary event vertex is inside the instrumented volume and a muon-like track is seen [probability] |
stop_scr | Float | Primary event vertex outside is the detector and a muon-like track is observed stopping in the instrumented volume [probability] |
thrgoing_scr | Float | Primary event vertex outside is the detector and a muon-like track is observed passing through the instrumented volume [probability] |
cr_veto | Boolean | Significant in-time cosmic-ray shower activity detected in the surface IceTop array, indicating this event is likely a background event. |
Returns a list transients events within a given time window. All arguments should be put in a json body. You can play with our notebook to learn how to use the latest transients endpoint.
Rate limits: to keep the API availalbe for everybody we limit the usage of this endpoint to registered Astro-COLIBRI users. Check this short tutorial about how to register. You'll find your user-id in your account settings in our interfaces. Copy it as "uid" parameter into the body of your API request. At the moment, each user is granted 100 request per day. If this is not sufficient for your use-case, please get in contact with us.
Level 1 parameter | Level 2 parameter | Level 3 parameter | Default | Type | Required | Description |
time_range | min | None | String | True | Minimum date in isoformat | |
time_range | max | None | String | True | Maximum date in isoformat | |
filter | None | JSON | False | The filter structure (see the interactive notebook for details). If the 'filter' parameter is not specified, the application will use your 'uid' to retrieve the filter configuration from your member space in the Astro-COLIBRI application | ||
uid | None | String | True | Your Astro-COLIBRI user id | ||
return_format | json | String | False | "json" or "url", the latter providing an url to the json results |
Field | Type | Description |
alert_type | String | type of the notice (GWs: EarlyWarning, Preliminary, Initial, Update, Retraction; GBM: Gnd_Pos, Fin_Pos, etc.) /td> |
archive | dict | dictionary of {archive_id : last_modified} that lists all previous versions of this event |
archive_id | String | identifier of the event in the Astro-COLIBRI archive |
assoc | String | Associated sources of the event (if known) |
broker | String | Name of the broker/classifier that characterized or submitted the event (if known) |
classification | String | classification of the transient; can be seen as sub-class of the "type" field (e.g. classification of the type of a SN, etc.) |
comment | String | comment about the event/source |
constellation | String | astronomical constellation in which the event is located |
dec | Float | Dec position [deg] |
discoverer_internal_name | String | name used by the discovery observatory |
dm | String | Dispersion measure (mainly for FRBs); string because it contains units |
energy | String | Energy of the event [GeV] |
energy_time_url | String (url) | 2D distribution of Fermi-LAT photons in the “energy vs time” plane |
err | Float | Uncertainty of the event position [deg] |
extinction_ebv | Float | E(B-V): redding to Galactic dust absorption |
far | String | False-Alarm-Rate [year^-1] |
follow_up | Array | list of observatories participating in follow up observations (if known) |
gw_BBH | String | GW event classification: probability of being a binary black hole merger event [0..1] |
gw_BNS | String | GW event classification: probability of being a binary neutron star merger event [0..1] |
gw_MassGap | String | GW event classification: probability that at least one compact object with a mass in the hypothetical “mass gap” between neutron stars and black holes (3-5 solar masses) [0..1] |
gw_NSBH | String | GW event classification: probability of being a merger of a system composed of one neutron star and one black hole [0..1] |
gw_Noise | String | GW event classification: terrestrial noise [0..1] |
gw_contours | Array | GW event localisation contours: 50% and 90% containement |
gw_hasNS | Boolean | GW events: flag to indicate the presence of a component with a mass compatible with a neutron star |
gw_pipeline | String | GW events: name of the pipeline used to derive the event parameters |
image_urls | dictionary | A dictionary of {name: url} for additional figures and plots |
instrument | String | Name of the instrument providing the parameters of the event (e.g. XRT or BAT for Swift detected events, etc.) |
ivorn | String | Unique IVOA identifiers for event |
ivorn_time | String | Time of the creation of the VoEvent |
last_modified | String | Time of the modification of this event in Astro-COLIBRI |
latest_lc_url | String (url) | Latest lightcurve url |
lc_url | String (url) | lightcurve url (typically FLaapLUC, access restricted to H.E.S.S. members) |
longterm_lc_url | String (url) | Longterm lightcurve url (typically FLaapLUC, access restricted to H.E.S.S. members) |
map_areas | Dict | dict with credible levels and the contained area in a localisation map |
observatory | String | Observatory at the orign of the event |
pkt_ser_num | Float | A number that increments by 1 each time a new revision is issued for this event |
ra | Float | RA position of the source [deg] |
redshift | Float | redshift of the event |
reference | String | Reference to original VoEvent in case of updates (if available) |
sed_url | String (url) | Link to SED (typically FLaapLUC, access restricted to H.E.S.S. members) |
sep | Float | Separation from the center of the cone search [deg] |
signalness | String | Probability of being of astrophysical origin (mainly for IceCube events) |
significance | Float | significance of the detected emission [sigma] |
simbad_link | String (url) | Link to the source in Simbad database |
slew | Boolean | Flag to indicate that the event triggered a slew of the spacecraft (typically SVOM) |
source_name | String | Name of the source |
sun_distance | Float | angular distance of the source to the sun at the time of the event [deg] |
timestamp | Datetime | Time of the event ([UTC], unix timestamp in milliseconds) |
transient_flux | Float | flux of the detected transient |
transient_flux_error | Float | uncertainty on the flux of the detected transient |
transient_flux_units | String | units of the flux of the detected transient |
trigger_id | String | Trigger ID of the event (internal to Astro-COLIBRI) |
type | String | type of event (see documentation for details ) |
url | String (url) | URL to additional ressource (typically the GCN circular or ATEL for manually added information) |
url_name | String | name of the URL to additional ressources |
Returns catalogued events from TeVCat according to the filters defined by the user. Both search by parameters or by cone search are possible. All arguments should be put in a json body. You can play with our notebook to learn how to use the tevcat endpoint. If only uid is provided and not any other parameter, the endpoint will give back the full catalog.
Rate limits: to keep the API availalbe for everybody we limit the usage of this endpoint to registered Astro-COLIBRI users. Check this short tutorial about how to register. You'll find your user-id in your account settings in our interfaces. Copy it as "uid" parameter into the body of your API request. At the moment, each user is granted 100 request per day. If this is not sufficient for your use-case, please get in contact with us.
This is the easiest way to query into the Astro-COLIBRI catalogs. It is as simple as using a URL with some filter parameters listed below or without any parameter to get the full catalog! This option can be used directly on your prefered browser or it can be implemented in your scripts. A tutorial of it's implementation is availabe in this notebook
An easy example is :
Parameter | Default | Type | Usage | Required | Description |
cone | None | string | /tevcat?cone=[RA,DEC,Radius] (in degrees) | False | Allows you to perform a cone search of given radius around a certain position |
AstroColibriParams | False | boolean | /tevcat?AstroColibriParams=True | False | Gives back extra parameters added by Astro-COLIBRI (not in the original catalog) |
source_name | None | string | /tevcat?source_name=4FGL J0000.5%2B0743 | False | Allows you to perform a cone search of given radius around a certain position ("+" signs must be written %2B) |
If you want to filter your sources according to your personal preferences in all available parameters, you can use this option. For this you only need to create an account in Astro-COLIBRI, copy your user ID and then follow the tutorials from this notebook
This option will give you the possibility to really dive deep into the catalog and find exactly what you are looking for, it can be easily implemented in your scripts or notebooks!
Level 1 parameter | Level 2 parameter | Level 3 parameter | Default | Type | Required | Description |
properties | position | ra | None | Float | False | Position of the center of the search region in RA |
properties | position | dec | None | Float | False | Position of the center of the search region in Dec |
properties | radius | None | Float | False | Radius of the search region | |
filter | None | JSON | False | The filter structure (see interactive notebook for details). If the 'filter' parameter is not specified, the application will use your 'uid' to retrieve the filter configuration from your member space in the Astro-COLIBRI application | ||
AstroColibriParams | False | Boolean | False | Defines if the user wants the pure catalog (False) or if he/she wants added prameters from the Astro-COLIBRI team (Extra name associations, Flux vs Spectral Index diagram, redshift, link for simbad, link for mojave) | ||
uid | None | String | True | Your Astro-COLIBRI user id | ||
return_format | json | String | False | "json" or "url", the latter providing an url to the json results |
Field | Type | Description |
DEC | Float | Declination |
Discovery Date | Float | Discovery date |
Distance | Float | Distance, either in redshift or in kpc |
Distance Units | String | Units of the distance losted above (z or kpc) |
Extended | Boolean | Weather it is a point source (0) or an extended source (1) |
Extent Major Axis | Float | If extended, the extent major axis en deg |
Extent Minor Axis | Float | If extended, the extent minor axis en deg |
Flux | Float | Flux in Crab Units, to be taken cautiously for variable sources |
Galactic Latitude | Flaot | Galactic Latitude in deg |
Galactic Longitude | Float | Galactic Longitude in deg |
ID | Integer | TeVCat ID |
Link | String | TeVCat Link |
RA | Float | Right Ascension |
Source Name | String | Source name |
Source Type | String | Source type given by TeVCat |
Spectral Index | Float | Spectral Index |
Sub-Catalog | Integer | TeVCat sub-catalog. Default catalog (1) or Newly Announced (2) |
Telescope | String | Telescope which made the discovery |
assoc | String | The designation of the identified or likely associated source (astro-COLIBRI parameter) |
assoc_4fgl | String | Fermi-4FGLDR4 name association (astro-COLIBRI parameter) |
discovery_date | Float | Different format for the discovery date (astro-COLIBRI parameter) |
event_display_url | String | Diagram of Flux vs Spectral Index (astro-COLIBRI parameter) |
mojave_name | String | B1950 Name (astro-COLIBRI parameter) |
mojave_url | String | URL pointing to the MOJAVE follow-up program (astro-COLIBRI parameter) |
redshift | Float | Distance converted to redshift if originally in kpc (astro-COLIBRI parameter) |
simbad_link | String | URL pointing to the simbad link of the source (astro-COLIBRI parameter) |
source_type_colibri | String | Source type defined by Astro-COLIBRI (astro-COLIBRI parameter) |
Returns catalogued events from Fermi-4FGL according to the filters defined by the user. Both search by parameters or by cone search are possible. All arguments should be put in a json body. You can play with our notebook to learn how to use the fermi endpoint. If only uid is provided and not any other parameter, the endpoint will give back the full catalog.
Rate limits: to keep the API availalbe for everybody we limit the usage of this endpoint to registered Astro-COLIBRI users. Check this short tutorial about how to register. You'll find your user-id in your account settings in our interfaces. Copy it as "uid" parameter into the body of your API request. At the moment, each user is granted 100 request per day. If this is not sufficient for your use-case, please get in contact with us.
This is the easiest way to query into the Astro-COLIBRI catalogs. It is as simple as using a URL with some filter parameters listed below or without any parameter to get the full catalog! This option can be used directly on your prefered browser or it can be implemented in your scripts. A tutorial of it's implementation is availabe in this notebook
An easy example is : J0000.3-7355
Parameter | Default | Type | Usage | Required | Description |
cone | None | string | /fermi?cone=[RA,DEC,Radius] (in degrees) | False | Allows you to perform a cone search of given radius around a certain position |
AstroColibriParams | False | boolean | /fermi?AstroColibriParams=True | False | Gives back extra parameters added by Astro-COLIBRI (not in the original catalog) |
source_name | None | string | /fermi?source_name=4FGL J0000.5+0743 | False | Allows you to perform a cone search of given radius around a certain position ("+" signs must be written %2B) |
If you want to filter your sources according to your personal preferences in all available parameters, you can use this option. For this you only need to create an account in Astro-COLIBRI, copy your user ID and then follow the tutorials from this notebook
This option will give you the possibility to really dive deep into the catalog and find exactly what you are looking for, it can be easily implemented in your scripts or notebooks!
Level 1 parameter | Level 2 parameter | Level 3 parameter | Default | Type | Required | Description |
properties | position | ra | None | Float | False | Position of the center of the search region in RA |
properties | position | dec | None | Float | False | Position of the center of the search region in Dec |
properties | radius | None | Float | False | Radius of the search region | |
filter | None | JSON | False | The filter structure (see interactive notebook for details). If the 'filter' parameter is not specified, the application will use your 'uid' to retrieve the filter configuration from your member space in the Astro-COLIBRI application | ||
AstroColibriParams | False | Boolean | False | Defines if the user wants the pure catalog (False) or if he/she wants added prameters from the Astro-COLIBRI team | ||
uid | None | String | True | Your Astro-COLIBRI user id | ||
return_format | json | String | False | "json" or "url", the latter providing an url to the json results |
Please refer to the official Fermi documentation for the full list of parameters included in the Fermi 4FGL Catalog.
Field | Type | Description |
event_display_url | String | Astro-COLIBRI diagram of Beta (LP) vs Energy Peak (LP) |
extended | Float | If source is point-like (0.0) or extended (1.0) |
mojave_name | String | B1950 Name |
mojave_url | String | ULR for the MOJAVE follow-up page of the source |
redshift | Float | Distances converted to redshift (if there is no redshift, galactic sources have 0 listed and extra-galactic have 1) |
simbad_distances | Float | Distance listed in simbad |
simbad_links | String | URL for the simbad page of the source |
source_type_colibri | String | Type of source (bunched up) defined by the Astro-COLIBRI team |
Obtain a list of the names of all known sources in the Astro-COLIBRI databases. Only transient events and catalogued sources that have a clearly identified name are provided.
Parameter | Default | Type | Usage | Required | Description |
Field | Type | Description |
source | List | List of String corresponding to all sources names |
Provides a list of Astronomers Telegrams associated with a given source. The search relies on the Astrophysics Data System (ADS), which introduces a delay of ~2weeks between publication and availability of new ATELs.
Parameter | Default | Type | Usage | Required | Description |
source | None | integer | ?source=TXS 0506+056 | True | the name of an astrophysical source |
Field | Type | Description |
date | String | date of the ATEL |
title | String | title of the found ATEL |
url | String | url to the ATEL |
Produces a figure showing the lightcurve of the event identified by its trigger_id as recorded by a number of optical survey instrumeents. Currently we support data from ATLAS, ASAS-SN, and ZTF (via the Fink broker). By default, the requested time range is starting 5 days before and up to 30 days after the detection of the event. The actual range shown in the produced plot may vary depending on the availability of data. The requested time range can be configured using the optional parameters 'start' and 'end'. Each parameter configuration is producing one figure each day. If the requested plot is not found in the archive, a new one is produced. The calculation of a new lightcurve figure is affecting the daily rate limits of each user (see "Cone search and latest transients" above). Details can be found here: lightcurve documentation.
Parameter | Default | Type | Usage | Required | Description |
trigger_id | None | string | trigger_id=TNS2024igg | False | Provide a valid Astro-COLIBRI trigger_id to identify a transient event (or provide RA/Dec) |
ra | None | string | ra=64.35 | False | Provide a right ascension in degrees |
dec | None | string | dec=64.35 | False | Provide a declination in degrees |
uid | None | string | uid=0bLAEeOfGaf6QeZBpVGaB6XSYuX2 | True | Your Astro-COLIBRI user id (see Menu/Account/Account details) |
start | trigger_id: 5 days before the selected event RA/Dec: 30d before today |
string | start=2024-05-02 | False | Start of the requested time window |
end | trigger_id: 30d after the selected event RA/Dec: today |
string | end=2024-06-06 | False | End of the requested time window |
Field | Type | Description |
url | String | Link to the lightcurve |
Produces a figure showing the Swift-XRT lightcurve of the event identified by its trigger_id in context of archival Swift detected GRBs. A few bursts detected in VHE gamma-ray are shown for reference. By default (force=False), the figure is created once every hour, but an update can be requested by setting force=True. The highlight of GRBs detected at VHE energies (vhe=True) can be disabled by setting vhe=False.
Parameter | Default | Type | Usage | Required | Description |
trigger_id | None | integer | ?trigger_id=1126853 | True | Provide a Swift trigger_id |
force | false | boolean | ?force=true | False | Forces an update of the plot |
vhe | false | boolean | ?vhe=true | False | Highlight of VHE detected GRBs. |
Field | Type | Description |
img_url | String | Link to the lightcurve |
Returns a list of observatories as listed on Minor Planet Center.
Parameter | Default | Type | Usage | Required | Description |
Field | Type | Description |
code | String | IAU code |
lat | Float | latitude |
long | Float | longitude |
name | String | Name of the observatory |
Allows to retrieve the full set of parameters we store for a given transient event.
Parameter | Default | Type | Usage | Required | Description |
trigger_id | None | string | ?trigger_id=1126853 | True | Provide a trigger id. You can request multiple events by chaining together mulitple trigger_id (e.g. ?trigger_id=S240422ed&trigger_id=922968). In this case the return will be a list of the individual events. |
Field | Type | Description |
archive | dict | dictionary of {archive_id : last_modified} that lists all previous versions of this event |
archive_id | String | identifier of the event in the Astro-COLIBRI archive |
assoc | String | Associated sources of the event (if known) |
broker | String | Name of the broker/classifier that characterized or submitted the event (if known) |
classification | String | classification of the transient; can be seen as sub-class of the "type" field (e.g. classification of the type of a SN, etc.) |
comment | String | comment about the event/source |
constellation | String | astronomical constellation in which the event is located |
dec | Float | Dec position [deg] |
discoverer_internal_name | String | name used by the discovery observatory |
dm | String | Dispersion measure (mainly for FRBs); string because it contains units |
energy | String | Energy of the event [GeV] |
energy_time_url | String (url) | 2D distribution of Fermi-LAT photons in the “energy vs time” plane |
err | Float | Uncertainty of the event position [deg] |
extinction_ebv | Float | E(B-V): redding to Galactic dust absorption |
far | String | False-Alarm-Rate [year^-1] |
follow_up | Array | list of observatories participating in follow up observations (if known) |
gw_BBH | String | GW event classification: probability of being a binary black hole merger event [0..1] |
gw_BNS | String | GW event classification: probability of being a binary neutron star merger event [0..1] |
gw_MassGap | String | GW event classification: probability that at least one compact object with a mass in the hypothetical “mass gap” between neutron stars and black holes (3-5 solar masses) [0..1] |
gw_NSBH | String | GW event classification: probability of being a merger of a system composed of one neutron star and one black hole [0..1] |
gw_Noise | String | GW event classification: terrestrial noise [0..1] |
alert_type | String | type of the notice (GWs: EarlyWarning, Preliminary, Initial, Update, Retraction; GBM: Gnd_Pos, Fin_Pos, etc.) /td> |
gw_contours | Array | GW event localisation contours: 50% and 90% containement |
gw_hasNS | Boolean | GW events: flag to indicate the presence of a component with a mass compatible with a neutron star |
gw_pipeline | String | GW events: name of the pipeline used to derive the event parameters |
image_urls | dictionary | A dictionary of {name: url} for additional figures and plots |
instrument | String | Name of the instrument providing the parameters of the event (e.g. XRT or BAT for Swift detected events, etc.) |
ivorn | String | Unique IVOA identifiers for event |
ivorn_time | String | Time of the creation of the VoEvent |
last_modified | String | Time of the modification of this event in Astro-COLIBRI |
latest_lc_url | String (url) | Latest lightcurve url |
lc_url | String (url) | lightcurve url (typically FLaapLUC, access restricted to H.E.S.S. members) |
longterm_lc_url | String (url) | Longterm lightcurve url (typically FLaapLUC, access restricted to H.E.S.S. members) |
map_areas | Dict | dict with credible levels and the contained area in a localisation map |
observatory | String | Observatory at the orign of the event |
pkt_ser_num | Float | A number that increments by 1 each time a new revision is issued for this event |
ra | Float | RA position of the source [deg] |
redshift | Float | redshift of the event |
reference | String | Reference to original VoEvent in case of updates (if available) |
sed_url | String (url) | Link to SED (typically FLaapLUC, access restricted to H.E.S.S. members) |
sep | Float | Separation from the center of the cone search [deg] |
signalness | String | Probability of being of astrophysical origin (mainly for IceCube events) |
significance | Float | significance of the detected emission [sigma] |
simbad_link | String (url) | Link to the source in Simbad database |
slew | Boolean | Flag to indicate that the event triggered a slew of the spacecraft (typically SVOM) |
source_name | String | Name of the source |
sun_distance | Float | angular distance of the source to the sun at the time of the event [deg] |
timestamp | Datetime | Time of the event ([UTC], unix timestamp in milliseconds) |
transient_flux | Float | flux of the detected transient |
transient_flux_error | Float | uncertainty on the flux of the detected transient |
transient_flux_units | String | units of the flux of the detected transient |
trigger_id | String | Trigger ID of the event (internal to Astro-COLIBRI) |
type | String | type of event (see documentation for details ) |
url | String (url) | URL to additional ressource (typically the GCN circular or ATEL for manually added information) |
url_name | String | name of the URL to additional ressources |
map_areas | Dict | dict with credible levels and the contained area in a localisation map |
alert_type | String | 'EarlyWarning', 'Preliminary', 'Initial', 'Update', 'Retraction', 'coincidence' not supported yet |
distance | Int | luminosity distance of the source [Mpc] |
distance_error | Int | uncertainty of the luminosity distance of the source [Mpc] |
classification | String | classification of the event type |
confidential_observatory | String | |
ivorn_history | Array | list of (encoded) ivorns of revisions of the same event |
event_display_url | String | url pointing to an event-display or similar figure (e.g. IceCube) |
event_url | String | url pointing to generic information about the event (e.g. GBM analysis results) |
Allows to retrieve the events on your watchlist.
Parameter | Default | Type | Required | Description |
uid | None | String | True | Your Astro-COLIBRI user id |
full | 0 | int | False | return the list of trigger_ids ("0", default) or the full event information ("1") |
Allows to retrieve the full set of parameters of an archive version of a given transient event (available since v2.14.0 ).
Parameter | Default | Type | Usage | Required | Description |
archive_id | None | string | ?archive_id=S240705at_2 | True | Provide a archive id. These can be found in each event since v2.14.0 (see \event endpoint above). |
The returned event parameters correspond to the ones described for the \event endpoint above.
Allows to retrieve the VoEvent in the original IVOA XML and a JSON format. This is the original data provided by the various observatories. The content of the alerts is defined by each scientific collaboration and is not homogenous.
Parameter | Default | Type | Usage | Required | Description |
trigger_id | None | string | ?trigger_id=607642221 | trigger_id or ivorn is required | Astro-COLIBRI trigger ID of the event |
ivorn | None | string | ?ivorn=ivo%3A%2F%2Fnasa.gsfc.gcn%2FFermi%23GBM_Fin_Pos2020-03-11T15%3A16%3A12.93_605632577_0-302 | trigger_id or ivorn is required | Unique IVOA identifier for event. |
json | json=0 | int | ?json=0 | False | Specify the desired format (XML -> json=0 / JSON -> json=1) |
Post request (Protected). Informations about a existing event found with Trigger ID is added or modified according to the json entry document.
Check if event exists already in Mongo DB using trigger_id. If so, update the event parameters provided in the JSON content.
Parameter | Default | Type | Required | Description |
trigger_id | None | String | Yes | Trigger ID of the event to be added/ modified |
**** | None | dynamic | No | Any source properties to add/modify, refer to the /cone_search endpoint doc to check all parameters available |
Field | Type | Description |