Version 2.21.0 (2025-03-04)
- Added transients registered via the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams (CBAT),
- Added SVOM notices announcing GRBs detected by the ECLAIRs instrument
- Added alerts on gravitational waves from mergers including at least one sub-solar mass object
- API changes:
- The endpoint to calculate the source visibility (“/visibility_plots_detailed”) now returns the detailed parameters of the visibility windows; this information is also accessible via the web frontend
- Added a new endpoint for the TeVCat and Fermi-LAT 4FGL catalogs, allowing the user to search by parameter or by cone search ("/tevcat" & "/fermi"); see this interactive notebook for details
- Added a new page to our website documenting our public events & outreach activities
- Enabled user configuration of new TOMs. TOMs (incl. the existing integration of BHTOM) are now dynamically handled in frontend and backend.
- Minor changes and bug fixes
- Event search in the web interface now allows to load the time period around the selected event
- Added option to change the value for the default reset time by long pressing the reset timeline button
- Added MOJAVE url for covered TeVCat and 4FGL AGN sources
- Added information indicating events followed within the Kilonova-Catcher network + new filter allowing to select these events